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Are you tired of your kids asking for sweets all day? Ready to end the power struggle with your kids over dessert?
If so, you’re in the right place and you’ll want to join my workshop dealing with desserts: how to raise kids who aren’t obsessed with sweets.
Get instant access to this workshop with Sarah Anzlovar, MS, RDN, LDN, registered dietitian & mom of 2

after this workshop, you’ll walk away with
what’s included…
Instant access to 60-minute workshop
Come learn the top strategies to end your struggles with dessert today
Downloadable scripts
Get age-appropriate scripts to use to talk to your kids (and other caregivers) about sweets. You’ll have exactly what to say when they ask why they can’t have something, when you get pushback, or if sweets are good/bad. You’ll also have the language to use around sweets in your house.